• 0736-069-356
  • admin@lanteam-solutions.com
  • Cluj, Romania

Have you heard of the Protégé Effect?

Have you ever tried to teach someone a specific information that you just learned? An information that you think you know and master well enough to help someone else know it as well? And, after you taught someone else your information, did you feel like you know and understand the information even better? Well, this is called the Protégé Effect….

Ce iti ofera LAN Academy?

LAN Academy este un program dezvoltat inca din 2014 de catre doi profesori de informatica si fizica: Adrian si Lucia Negreanu-Maior. Da, noi suntem cei doi profesori care am reusit sa castigam multe premii si trofee atunci cand lucram la catedra. In momentul in care am decis sa renuntam la postul de la catedra, din invatamantul traditional, ne-am indreptat pasii…