• 0736-069-356
  • admin@lanteam-solutions.com
  • Cluj, Romania

Want to study efficiently? Here are 5 tips for you

Tip number #1: Easy quitting. Studying a subject might look easy for some people and very hard for others. When you start studying, and you think everything is so easy, you might end up after a chapter, thinking “This is so hard!” or say “I quit!”. Well, here is some advice. When you are at that point, instead of quitting,…


Problema FizzBuzz este o problema tipica pe care multi candidati la interviurile din industria IT au primit-o spre rezolvare. Este o problema simpla, dar in cele mai multe cazuri problemele simple sunt foarte dificile pentru unii candidati. Ea reprezinta un algoritm important care poate foarte bine testa abilitatile de dezvoltator ale candidatului la postul de web developer. Acesta poate rezolva…