• 0736-069-356
  • admin@lanteam-solutions.com
  • Cluj, Romania

Cum sa cresti invatand?

Auzi din cand in cand intrebarea: oare de ce X invata mai repede, mai usor si mai eficient decat mine? Cum face? Cum reuseste? Nu este vorba despre computerul pe care lucrezi, telefon, legatura la Internet sau alte resurse pe care le ai la dispozitie. Este vorba despre ceea ce alegi să faci, CUM inveti, DE LA CINE inveti. Pentru…

Want to study efficiently? Here are 5 tips for you

Tip number #1: Easy quitting. Studying a subject might look easy for some people and very hard for others. When you start studying, and you think everything is so easy, you might end up after a chapter, thinking “This is so hard!” or say “I quit!”. Well, here is some advice. When you are at that point, instead of quitting,…