• 0736-069-356
  • admin@lanteam-solutions.com
  • Cluj, Romania

Want to study efficiently? Here are 5 tips for you

Tip number #1: Easy quitting. Studying a subject might look easy for some people and very hard for others. When you start studying, and you think everything is so easy, you might end up after a chapter, thinking “This is so hard!” or say “I quit!”. Well, here is some advice. When you are at that point, instead of quitting,…

Cum inveti programare in C++ in 2024?

Vrei sa inveti programare in C++ in 2023? Ai ajuns exact unde trebuia! Limbajul C++ este un limbaj de programare popular cu care se pot dezvolta aplicatii complexe. Bazele programarii in C++ se pot invata folosind IDE-uri gratuite cum sunt Visual Studio Code sau CodeBlocks sau contra cost cum este de exemplu CLion din pachetul JetBrains. Exista si alte IDE-uri…