• 0736-069-356
  • admin@lanteam-solutions.com
  • Cluj, Romania

Is gaming-based education a real thing?

For a long time, people talked about gaming-based education and how it is not a real thing. Well, I am here to argue with them on that note. Gaming-based education has been a real thing ever since it has been discovered that you can create games using code. People around the world from the age of 10 until even the…

Cum inveti programare in C++ in 2024?

Vrei sa inveti programare in C++ in 2023? Ai ajuns exact unde trebuia! Limbajul C++ este un limbaj de programare popular cu care se pot dezvolta aplicatii complexe. Bazele programarii in C++ se pot invata folosind IDE-uri gratuite cum sunt Visual Studio Code sau CodeBlocks sau contra cost cum este de exemplu CLion din pachetul JetBrains. Exista si alte IDE-uri…