• 0736-069-356
  • admin@lanteam-solutions.com
  • Cluj, Romania

Tastam toata ziua

Ai avut vreodata o zi in care a trebuit sa tastezi toata ziua? Ca programator, cu siguranta ca ai multe zile. Dar, nu te-ai intrebat niciodata de ce iti place asa de mult sa tastezi? Motivele S-ar putea sa fie tastatura cea care te face sa te bucuri de tastat. Dar se poate sa fie si mouse-ul, monitorul, subiectul, mediul,…

Have you heard of the Protégé Effect?

Have you ever tried to teach someone a specific information that you just learned? An information that you think you know and master well enough to help someone else know it as well? And, after you taught someone else your information, did you feel like you know and understand the information even better? Well, this is called the Protégé Effect….

Cum este sa fi un homeschooler sau student international?

Nu te-ai intrebat niciodata, cum este sa fi un homeschooler sau student international? Oare exista o cale mai usoara si mai frumoasa de a invata? Eu una, sa va spun sincer, nu! Eram tot timpul preocupata sa am note bune, sa invat cel mai bine si sa nu cumva sa nu am media 10. Dar, acum aproape 3 ani, parintii…

Is gaming-based education a real thing?

For a long time, people talked about gaming-based education and how it is not a real thing. Well, I am here to argue with them on that note. Gaming-based education has been a real thing ever since it has been discovered that you can create games using code. People around the world from the age of 10 until even the…